Shaping a better world

A woman working at laptop at a long table. She is wearing a yellow top. The photo is shot from above.

Sustainability and community impact

We aim to make a positive, long term contribution to the communities where we live and work, as well as use our expertise to have a positive network effect with clients. It’s all about committing to sustainability and community welfare in all we do. We aspire to be a responsible, purpose-led business. 

Our approach to a sustainable future

Lots of hands in the air

Our People

By 2025, our aim is that women will represent 50% of our global senior leadership population.
A woman with a headscarf wearing a green T-Shirt and carrying a litter bag

Our Planet

By the end of 2023, we aim to have all of our business travel as carbon neutral through reduction and offsetting. Our data centres will be powered by 85% renewable energy by 2025, and by 2030 we will halve our estates' carbon footprint in our top 40 markets. 
A close up shot of a solar panel

Our Partnerships

We aim to select partners who meet high standards of ethical business conduct, employment practices, human rights and environment impact. By 2025, we will have evaluated our top 16 strategic suppliers based on their policies and commitments to social issues.
A snapshot of a motorway, taken at night.

Data Positive

We’re hardwiring sustainability segmentation across our primary data collection panels. That way we can offer all our clients the sustainability information they need to make tomorrow better.
A data centre

Our Research Ethics and Data Protection

We carry out research to high ethical and professional standards and monitor compliance with global data protection and privacy laws. We’re also committed to delivering industry leading fraud prevention and panel quality. 
A volunteer with blue gloved hands filling a box with tins.

Our Community Impact

As part of our global policy, our people are given two paid days a year to volunteer. To many, this means giving their time, free of charge, to positively impact their local communities. 
Jonathan Hall, Managing Partner, Sustainable Transformation Practice"ESG is central to Kantar’s strategy; however, we recognise that we have more work to do. By working with clients through our Sustainable Transformation Practice, we can amplify Kantar’s social and environmental impact and create transformational good for the economy, people, and planet." 
A team of colleagues have a meeting.

Sustainability Transformation Practice

Our specialised Sustainable Transformation Practice help brands define and activate successful sustainable transformation strategies.

Launched in 2020, the Practice supports organisations that want to connect with people on social and environmental issues. Drawing expertise from across Kantar, the team identifies how to help citizens make tangible progress on what is known as the value-action gap – the difference between people's beliefs and their actions. By 2025, our team aims to have worked with 100% of our global clients on a sustainability project. 

Ready to shape your future?

Be part of a team where everyone is encouraged and empowered to thrive. Browse our roles and apply